Passion for what we do is pivotal for success in any job. When you apply for a position of a coach, athletic trainer, PE teacher, sports commentator, athlete, sports journalist, or any other occupation that has something to do with sports, you can expect to answer this question in your meeting with the hiring managers.

First thing you should realize is that not only what you say matters, but also how you say it. They will hardly believe there’s true passion for sports in your heart, if they cannot hear some enthusiasm in your voice. Your eyes should shine, and you should always find plenty of words when sports are the topic of the conversation. Because that’s what you love, and think about most of the time–or all of the time.

Let’s have a look at 7 sample answers to this interesting question. Do not forget to read also my notes below the answers, as they will help you to understand some nuances when we talk about a perfect interview answer.


7 sample answers to “Can you describe your passion for sports?” interview question

  1. I live and breath sports. The first thing I do in the morning is checking the app on my phone for the latest results. I read ABC and XYZ newspapers, because I love extended commentaries and expert analyses of the matches, and in my opinion, the best experts write for that news. And I can’t imagine a nice evening without watching a match. But I am not a mere passive observer. I also like to play whenever there is an opportunity. If I succeed to get this job with you it will be a dream come true. My hobby will become my job, and it’s hard to beat that.
  2. Well, what can I say? I’ve been an active soccer player since I’ve been six years old. But I tried a variety of sports, and developed a true passion over the years. As I grew older, I realized that I learned a lot playing in all these teams, under all great coaches, and also that I am not that good to make a career as a professional player–better to realize it sooner than later. But I am an excellent strategist, and to be honest, I enjoy coaching even more than playing. I hope to become a great coach, and follow the calling of my heart in my professional career.
  3. I have to admit it–I am addicted to sports. Watching them, commenting on them, playing them. I am very competitive by nature, and always try to be the best version of myself. Over the years I acquired a vast knowledge of baseball, the coaches, the players, the strategies. I believe I would make an excellent sports commentator, and that’s exactly the reason why I am here today.
  4. It’s enough looking at my medical record to tell. I’ve had a knee surgery three times, I had my arm broken two times. Because I always played hard and committed myself 100% to the team. As you can see, however, it cut my professional career short, and now I am trying to successfully transition to the position of a trainer. The passion still burns within me, but I also have to accept the limits of my body. I see a job of a trainer a perfect choice in these circumstances. I can still belong to the team, travel on tour, but I won’t play anymore, won’t injure myself another time.
  5. Speaking honestly, I spend 12 hours a day watching sports on TV. But that’s not because I am bored or have nothing else to do. It’s because I love sports. But it cannot go like this for any longer. I want to turn my passion and hobby into my full time job. That’s the most logical thing to do, because we are good in doing what we love. Working as a sports commentator, I can combine watching sports with earning money. That would be a dream come true.
  6. I know what it means for a nation when they see an Olympic champion being crowned in a stadium. That’s the image I often see in my dreams–me, standing there, on the pedestal, national anthem playing in the background, tears falling from my eyes. I know it’s a long road, and the athletic scholarship with your school is just the first step. But I can assure you I have passion for running, talent, and most importantly the motivation and discipline to pursue this dream, and to overcome the obstacles on my way…
  7. My resume tells the entire story. If you go through it, you see that I devoted myself to sports from an early age. I had a short detour to other careers, I experimented with different choices in life. But I always came back, because I love sports more than anything else in my life. The adrenaline you experience before an important match, the feeling of team spirit, and of course the joy of victory. Nothing can beat that in my view. But of course I also understand that in order to experience these feelings, you have to put in the hours of training, day after day, week after week. I am ready to do that.


Try to explain your job choice while describing your passion

This question is an excellent opportunity to explain why you opted for this or that career (related to sports). Maybe you loved to play, but had your fair share of injuries and cannot continue any longer. In such a case you want to benefit from your playing experiences as a coach.

Or you love to watch sports, all day and night, but realize you can’t live from watching TV. Working as a sports commentary, however, you can combine your hobby and your job, and earn money for doing what you love.

* Special Tip: This won’t be the only tricky question you will face in your interview. Check our Interview Success Package for premium answers to 100+ interview questions, and get ready for every challenge you may possibly face in your interviews. Thank you!

Passion is not enough when you pursue a career of a professional athlete

I’ve seen many passionate athletes who burned out after a year of hard training, especially if they didn’t win any major races. Professional sports are pretty competitive, and you need to work super hard to make a breakthrough.

If you apply for a sports scholarship, or directly for a career of a pro athlete, trying to get your first contract or sponsorship agreement, you should always refer also to your commitment and discipline. Of course passion is the most important ingredients, but it will take you only to a certain level. To be crowned a champion one day, you’ll need much more than passion. Ensure the interviewers that you are ready to put in the hard work.

* May also interest you: Sports interview questions and answers for athletes.


Do not be afraid to show some emotions

Emotions belong to sports–and now I do not talk only about fights and conflicts on the playground, and screams of joy from the players. I talk also about enthusiastic sports commentators and journalists, who can take the match to an entirely new level, with the pure power of their emotional commentary. I am sure you have experienced that at least once in your life.

Do not be afraid to show some emotions when you describe your passion for sports. When we truly love something, talking about it won’t leave us dry of any emotions. Interviewers are only people at the end of the day. They can easily get enthusiastic about hiring you, just because they feel the sheer enthusiasm in your words, while you are describing your passion for sports…

Ready to answer this one? I hope so! Check also 7 sample answers to other tricky interview questions:

Matthew Chulaw
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