Interviewing for a job can be an extremely stressful. This is true especially for students who already have many issues that need to be addressed, and who apply for their very first job.

Fortunately, with the problem of complex homework, essay writing service can always help and make life a little easier.

As for the excitement (or more often anxiety, which isn’t the same thing) before the interview, there are a number of things that will help to cope with it. If  anxiety is your weakness, and just an image of speaking in front of the audience makes your body shake, read further.


Be ready to hear no at the end of the meeting

The most unpleasant thing about the interview is the possibility of refusal–at least when we imagine this outcome, which is not uncommon in any means (in some interviews only one of 100 candidates will be chosen at the end).

But everyone feels the same… It seems  you need to get a job at all costs, and you don’t even want to think about the possibility of rejection.

For every vacancy, dozens, hundreds, and sometimes thousands of responses come. Therefore, even statistically the chance to get rejected at several interviews in a row is quite high.

Yes, they may refuse you, but this isn’t the end of the world. Nor does it mean that you are a poor specialist/technician/worker/person.  Things simply didn’t work out in this case–nothing more, nothing less.

Tell yourself that failure is not the worst thing in life (actually it is something that belongs to it) and that you will definitely find a suitable job. Check also interview questions for different jobs, pick your position, and prepare even better for your next interview…

Woman is gesticulating in a job interview
Accept that you aren’t perfect

Assume that you have done your homework, and you felt better about your chances. The next step is to recognize your imperfections.

Because the main reason for fear lies in the fact that the interviewers will uncover some of our weaknesses, which we weren’t able to eliminate.

Perhaps your skills and abilities do not fully correspond with the job duties. Perhaps you have some character flaws that may likely interfere with your work (or with your new colleagues). But there are no ideal people, and each recruiter is aware of the fact.

Accepting your shortcomings will definitely help with the confidence. And you have also strengths–not only weaknesses. Focus rather on them, both in your mind (when preparing for the meeting) and in your interview answers.


Practice your answers upfront

There are classic questions they will ask you in almost every interview. Among them:

Go over your resume and write down briefly what you will tell the recruiter. It always helps to see things on paper, to write down your thoughts. You can also check our analysis of each question, trying to understand what they want to hear from you.

Pay particular attention to issues that may catch the eye of the interviewers. For example, if you were fired, then they will definitely ask about it. Consider how to answer such a question.

Try to avoid accusations against the former boss, talk about facts, and avoid getting emotional.


Ask questions

Anxiety often arises from a lack of information.

How can you help your employer in the new job? What’s the schedule, salary, area of ​​responsibility?

While you can (and perhaps even should) research about these things online, you can also ask about them in the interview (especially if not clearly outlined on the job description).

Find out what they expect from you, what you will respond for on a daily basis.

When the initiative is in your hands, communication is much easier.

In anxiety, speech can be accelerated or greatly slowed down, depending on the individual reaction. Try to maintain the same pace, if possible.

In practice this means that once you notice that you are talking too fast, try to slow yourself down (if that’s possible, considering the level of anxiety you experience). It is not only that our body reacts to our emotions. Our emotions do also react to our bodies. Once you manage to slow your pace of speech, you will also calm down (at least partially).


Do all you can to get ready

A number of things can be done before you enter the interview room. And all of them will help you calm down:

  • Learn about the company as much as you can–study both online and offline resources.
  • Try to find friends who work in this company, or simply find employees in social networks, and check what they are writing about (can tell you a lot about team building events in the company, for example, if they happen to post pictures from these events)
  • Be sure to study the job description carefully.
  • Prepare questions you will ask the employers (you will get such a chance in every interview).
  • Try to prepare for all most common interview questions.

Three women in a job interview, they are all in good spirits
Employers are only people–just like you, or me

We often consider interviewers invincible. We believe that they know everything, they feel completely secure in their position. Nothing can be further from the truth.

These guys are also nervous. They do not always feel superior, and tend to experience all kinds of emotions in the interviews.

One you help them to calm down–being calm yourself, friendly, respectful and at least to certain extend humble, they will happily pay back the favor…



Feeling a bit tense before an important meeting (which an interview undoubtedly represents) is a natural human reaction. But once you follow the ideas from this article, you should at least lower your stress levels.

Perhaps the most important thing to remember is that job search is a game of numbers. If you don’t succeed this time, you will get another chance. Your life is not at stake, and you will get better with every new interview. We wish you good luck!

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