Dear job seeker,

I will keep this page short and to the point. Here’s what I have for you today:

cover of dietitian interview guide

* Updated and discounted in March 2024.

In the eBook, you will find multiple great answers to each of the following questions:

  • Why have you decided for a career of a dietitian/nutritionist?
  • What do you consider your greatest weakness as a dietitian/nutritionist?
  • Imagine that you prescribe a diet to a patient, and they refuse to follow it, saying that they can’t eat the way you suggest. What will you do?
  • Imagine that you see a medical record of a patient, and believe that one of the drugs they are taking interfere with the healing processes in their body. What will you do?
  • What diet will you suggest to a patient who suffers from diabetes 2?
  • How do you see the relationship between RD’s and Foodservice, Doctors, and other people working in a hospital/nursing home/school?
  • Describe a situation when you did not agree with the opinion (or decision) of your superior and knew that they were wrong. How did you handle that?
  • What do you do if there are clearly too many patients for you to see on a given day?
  • One of your patients refuses to stop smoking, and you know that this step is crucial for their cure/recovery. What will you do?
  • What dietary recommendations are important for vegetarians and vegans?
  • Reflect on a situation in which you had to adjust to changes over which you had no control. How did you handle it?
  • What do you consider the future trends in dietetics?
  • Give us an example of a time when you went above and beyond with your service for one of the clients/patients.
  • How do you ensure to keep your knowledge of latest trends in dietetics up to date?
  • If you should point out the most important thing you learned during your practice/internship, what will it be?
  • How do you plan to handle the crisis of motivation?
    … and fifteen other tough questions you may face in your interview for a job of a dietitian or nutritionist.

Check the sample to see how this eBook can help you:


Sample from the eBook

Q: If you should point out the most important thing you learned during your practice/internship, what will it be?

Hint: You have a few options for a good answer.
One is saying that the practice helped you to understand the daily routine of a dietitian, and that you assured yourself that this is the job you want to do, for many years to come.

Second option is picking something that relates to the work with patients, for example learning about the integral role communication plays in your work—unless you understand your patients, and unless they understand you, you will get nowhere as a dietitian.

Another alternative is saying that you learned the importance of teamwork. You understood that dietitian isn’t an isolated unit in the ward. They cooperate with everyone else, starting with doctors and ending with food service workers.

Show the interviewers that you learned something important during your practice, that it prepared you for the reality of the job.


Sample answers

– The most important thing I learned is that I really want to do this work. I’ve seen a difference proper nutrition can make in a life of a cancer patient, I’ve seen how people reversed their diabetes 2 changing their diets. I’ve seen many great things, and understood the meaningful purpose of my job, and the importance it has, not only in healthcare. That’s the most important thing I learned.

– I would say that I learned the vital role of communication. Communication with the patients—listening to their needs, asking about their feelings and experiences, but also explaining things in a way they’d understand.

But also communication with the physicians, food service workers, nurses, and basically every other staff member, since we have to cooperate together as a team, if we want to achieve the best possible results for our patients. I learned a lot during my internship but this is probably the biggest takeaway.


Q: What do you do if there are clearly too many patients for you to see on a given day?

Hint: The research you’ve done about your prospective employer will help you with the answer. How many dietitians/nutritionist work for them? Will you be able to share your responsibilities with your colleagues? How will you define the level of attention given to each patient? What diagnoses do they work with? Can you skip the visits of some patients in the ward?

Such information will help you decide how to handle the situation. Shortening the time of each visit, skipping unessential visits, asking your colleagues to take care of some patients, or working overtime, are some of the solutions.

Each one is applicable in certain scenarios, and you should pick one that suits your situation.


Sample answers

– I know that your clinic is renowned for an excellent personal approach to each client. Therefor I can’t afford shortening the visits, or giving less attention to each client. The only options I can think about now are either working overtime, or asking one of my colleague to take care of some of the visits—of course if their workload isn’t heavy as well.

– It can happen in a hospital of this size. I think that we should look in the charts and postpone the visits that aren’t necessary. Another alternative is shortening the duration of each visit, obtaining just the most necessary information from each patient. Or perhaps you have an internal regulation that addressed this kind of a problem, and tells us what we should do if there are too many patients to visit…

End of the sample


These were just two questions. You will find 30 in the eBook, including difficult behavioral questions. But that’s not all.

To ensure you will get the job, I included in the book six principles you need to understand before you can ace your interview for a job of a dietitian.

Without talking too much about them, let me show you another sample from the book:


Sample no. 2

Principle no. 2: Emphasize individual approach

We live in a world of information. An intelligent person who can tell a quality information from a poor one (which isn’t an easy task), can find online basic nutritional advice for any kind of diagnosis, sport, for any situation of life.

So where is the value of a dietitian/nutritionist? Why do all kinds of healthcare institutions, and even private corporations, need dietitians?

The value is in an individual approach to each single patient/client. Because there are only dozens (or hundreds) of possible diagnoses, but each patient is a unique human being, with their own predispositions, emotions, thoughts, and life story.

Excellent dietitians consider all these nuances with each patient, and continuously evaluate the progress and success of their intervention, on a daily or weekly basis. That’s the value you can bring to a daily routine of any clinical or community setting, and most interviewers are aware of it (you can enlighten those who aren’t aware).

Anytime they ask you about working with patients, about diets you recommend to people with certain diagnosis, or about your daily routine and expectations on the job, emphasize individual approach to each client.

This is true not only in terms of your work in the office (studying charts and drawing conclusions), but also in your work in the rooms, in your talks with patients. Different people require different style of communication, at least if we want to make a proper assessment and maximize the probability of their cooperation.

Once you succeed to convince the interviewers that you plan to approach each patient and situation individually, you will be just……………..

End of the sample

Matthew Chulaw
Matthew Chulaw, author of the eBook

And that’s it. I do not want to waste your time with lengthy sales pages, and imaginary discounts or fake reviews, like many other people do on their websites, while trying to sell you something.

You have read the samples, you know what the eBook is about, and surely you can tell whether it will help you.

I sincerely believe it will. And you can read it easily in three or four hours, it’s 16,000 words. Only things that truly matter, no secondary content.

Plus, of course, like with everything else we sell here on, you have a risk free sixty days money back guarantee.

If you don’t like this eBook for any reason, or no reason at all, just let me know (email me at matthew[at]interviewpenguin[dot]com) within 60 days and we will give you a full refund.

Quick Summary

cover of dietitian interview guide

  • Brilliant answers to thirty difficult questions you may get in your interview for a job of a Dietitian or Nutritionist.
  • Several sample answers (two or more) to each question, so you can choose one that reflects your values and experience (including answers for people with no working experience).
  • Six principles of acing the interview, things you simply need to know in order to make the right impression on the hiring managers.
  • Instant download, .PDF format (you can read it on any device (mobile, kindle, PC), and you can easily print it).
  • Secure and simple checkout with PayPal, you can pay with your credit/debit card, or with your PayPal account.
  • Updated in March 2024.
  • Price: $13, one time payment, no hidden fees or upsell. 60 days risk free money back guarantee . Sold exclusively on
  • Click the checkout button below to proceed to the payment.

(After the payment you will be directed back to our website, to a protected page, to download your eBook. You will also receive a download link and instructions to your email, just to ensure that you will get the book without waiting, even if the redirect fails.)

That’s it. Your interview does not have to be stressful, or difficult. You can interview with confidence, give brilliant answers to all tough questions, impress the hiring managers, and get the job. Download the guide today, and succeed in your interview.


Matthew Chulaw,

Your personal job interview coach

P.S. Send me a message if you have any questions about the guide or about anything else. I try my best to answer all emails within twelve hours (matthew[at]interviewpenguin[dot]com).

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